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Canadian Orchestras Delegation at Classical:NEXT 2024 

Orchestras Canada (OC) has applied for funding to send a Canadian orchestra delegation to Classical:NEXT 2024 (  

Classical:NEXT is a global networking and exchange hub dedicated to classical and art music, and is designed for professionals – artists, managers, presenters, orchestras, labels, educators, press, media, publishers, and more. The event includes a conference, project pitches, showcase concerts, an expo, an innovation award, and networking opportunities. This year’s edition is taking place from May 13-17 in Berlin, Germany. 

We’re now calling for applications to join this Canadian delegation. The application deadline is March 15, 2024.  We aim to notify all applicants of their status by early April.  

This is a competitive process and support is not guaranteed: if OC receives the funding we’ve applied for, we’ll be able to subsidize nine participants to attend Classical:Next, accompanied by one OC staff member. 

The bursary will cover: 

  • Round trip airfare (capped at $1500 CAD per delegate) 
  • Hotel/per diem (capped at $150 CAD per person/per day for 7 days)  
  • Classical:Next registration fee 

Delegates will need to cover any additional costs. 


  • This program is open to all interested professionals from Orchestras Canada member orchestras: musicians, administrative staff, artistic directors, conductors, etc.  
  • Priority will be given to early and mid-career applicants (under 10 years of professional activities but not necessarily in consecutive years), or those in intermediate positions within an organization. 
  • Priority will be given to those from equity-seeking, equity-deserving communities. 
  • Priority will be given to those attending Classical:Next for the first time. 
  • Diversity of representation of Canadian orchestras will be taken into consideration: geographic representation, official language representation, and roles, with a focus on small and mid-size budget orchestras. 

*These criteria are guidelines for the assessment panel, and not strict eligibility requirements. If this opportunity speaks to you, regardless of your age, ethnic group, where you are in your career and your orchestra’s budget size, please feel free to apply!

Applications Process 

1- Please fill out the following form by March 15, 2024 

2- After you fill out the form, please email the following three documents to [email protected] by March 15, 2024:

  • CV
  • Cover Letter (Explaining your motivations and objectives in relation to this project, as well as the benefits and outcomes you expect to gain from this experience.)
  • Budget (using this template)