Resources from A Spotlight on Women in Musical Leadership

On Wednesday, October 27, 2021, Orchestras Canada and the Association for Opera in Canada partnered to present a spotlight on the Women in Musical Leadership (WML) program, a multi-year training fellowship for female and non-binary conductors.

Helmed by Tapestry Opera and lead partners Toronto Symphony Orchestra and Pacific Opera Victoria, WML addresses the historic gender inequity at the classical podium by providing intensive training, mentorship, and opportunities to gifted conductors. Working in tandem with a growing network of partner organizations across Canada, WML facilitates placements where participants observe and engage in the activities of partner seasons.

Watch the recording of the session
Download the information document of the WML program

If you have any questions about how to get involved or want to learn more about WML, please get in touch with Jennifer Szeto, Women in Leadership Project Manager: [email protected]