Join Us

Man and woman with orchestra behind them appreciate audiences applause

As a Member Organization

Orchestras Canada’s members are Canadian orchestras and ensembles – professional, semi-professional, community, youth and training groups – that present concerts to the public. They are part of Orchestras Canada because they know that orchestras play a vital role in the Canadian cultural scene, and that they are stronger when they’re part of a dynamic national movement.



  • A comprehensive research program, including up-to-date industry statistics, collation of orchestra-specific research undertaken by outside groups, and original research on issues facing Canadian orchestras – allowing your orchestra to make informed decisions.


  • Access to insider updates from OC, including professional development resources, updates on federal policy and funding changes.
  • An orchestral presence at important industry convenings, and access to the work of such groups as the Cultural Human Resources Council, Canada’s Performing Arts Alliance, the Ontario Non-Profit Network, the PASO Coalition, the Organization of Canadian Symphony Musicians, Imagine Canada, and others.
  • Through OC’s Culture Works Canada membership, the opportunity to become an Affiliate member (at no cost) of the CWC, eligible for discounts, resources and other member benefits offered to CWC members.
  • The option to contribute to the Inventory of Orchestra Music Libraries, a database of more than 9000 works available to rent or borrow from OC member orchestras.
  • NEW! Orchestras Canada may, on request, provide member orchestras with publicly available contact information for designated representatives of other member orchestras. The intended use of this information must be consistent with OC’s privacy and anti-spam policies, and OC staff will make the final decision. To take advantage of this benefit, please email your request, including rationale, to [email protected].  


  • Access to your and your team’s peers through our peer email groups, online and phone meetings, and regional meetings and workshops.
  • Discounted registration fees for OC’s in-person and online professional development and networking events.


  • A public advocacy program that conveys perspectives and concerns from Canadian orchestras to federal decision-makers.
  • Support for your own advocacy at local, provincial and national levels.

Saving Time & Money

  • Access to extended health coverage through the AFBS Arts and Entertainment Plan, and standard insurance coverages as well as directors and officers liability insurance through Cowan Insurance.
  • Discounted rates to advertise on OC’s online Job Board (currently $85 + HST for members, $175 + HST for non-members). Travel visa support letters and reciprocity letters.


  • Have your organization’s perspective represented through participation in member meetings, committees and task forces.



Fees are set on a sliding scale, based on each orchestra’s annual revenue.

wdt_ID If revenue from the fiscal year two years prior is Fee percent Min fee Max fee Max fee 2021
1 greater than $30,000,000 0.0225% $6,750.00 $11,250.00 $11,250.00
2 greater than $10,000,000 0.035% $3,500.00 $6,750.00 $6,750.00
4 greater than $5,000,000 0.047% $2,350.00 $3,500.00 $3,500.00
5 greater than $1,000,000 0.065% $650.00 $2,350.00 $2,350.00
6 greater than $200,000 0.0875% $200.00 $650.00 $650.00
7 greater than $100,000 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00
8 less than $100,000 $175.00 $175.00 $175.00 $150.00
9 Youth Orchestra $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00

How to Join

Contact Lauren Drew ([email protected]) to learn more.

As an Associate Organization

Our associates are organizations that have links to the Canadian orchestral field. They include music schools, artist managers, consultants, ensembles, presenters, publishers, volunteer committees, music competitions and many other kinds of artistic associations or organizations.


  • Discounted registration fees for OC’s in-person and online professional development and networking events.
  • Preferential access to conference sponsorship opportunities
  • Access to extended health coverage through the AFBS Arts and Entertainment Plan, and standard insurance coverages as well as directors and officers liability insurance through Cowan Insurance.
  • Discounted rates to advertise on OC’s online Job Board (currently $85 + HST for members/associates, $175 + HST for non-members/associates).
  • Listing in Orchestras Canada’s online and searchable Member Directory.


$125 per year, renewed in the fall for the following calendar year. Cheque & online payment options are available.